We`re a CommunityKnowledge Hub for ESG, Climate, Circular and Energy ProfessionalsEnthusiastsLeadersInvestorsTalents

Because Green Economy and Energy Transition is more than just a concept

Weekly, sustainability enthusiasts and professionals call together in the Impact Maker Community & Knowledge Hub. Here, they get advice, learn from peers, share best-practices, co-author articles, and build innovative solutions.

Join 100% Risk-Free – First 100 members get one year free membership!

Who is Impact Maker for?

We`re a diverse group of sustainability leaders, domain experts, industry professionals, solution and service providers, founders, investors, and rising talents. We come together to discuss ESG, Circular Economy, Climate Action, and Energy Transition execution, new regulations, industry best practices, tools and digital solutions.


Community Members: 2024 goal


Valuable new posts each month


Best Practice Shared

Members get access to

Member Community & Network

A vibrant community where Green Economy and Energy Transition thought leaders discuss market drivers, research studies, best practices, and networking to foster insights and collaboration. We extend a warm welcome to help you connect, discover, and grow within tailored spaces for different circular themes and industries

Member Learning & Match

As part of our community, we offer monthly group chats for learning and collaboration. We also connect members with similar interests to explore opportunities and co-publish articles. Join us to network with leaders, experts, and peers, and stay informed about key green thinking topics in your industry.

Academy & Resources Hub

Apply ESG, Climate, Circularity and Energy Transition is not magic. It just needs guidance in one place. We build the repository with tools, frameworks, and content. Explore our features selection of free blog posts, interviews, and more in our knowledge hub. For specific tutorials and guides, check out our tailored member resources in the community section.

What`s your benefits to join?

We share valuable insights and help each other in our respective fields. With members from various themes and across expertise, we foster cross-industry collaboration and knowledge exchange.

#ESG Leadership, Culture, Reporting, for Chief X Leaders

Leadership & Governance Purposeful Leadership, Ethics, Governance, Stakeholder Communication, Operation Model

ESG & Sustainable Finance ESG Reporting, EU Taxonomy, ESG Frameworks, Risk Management, Metrics, Intelligence

Communication Purpose & Stakeholder Messaging, Internal Messaging, ESG Risk Call, Green Branding & Campaign

#Climate Transition, Decarbonization, Nature & Biodiversity

Climate Action Science Based Targets, Net-Zero Pledges, Policies, Green Portfolio, Impact Investment

Carbon Emission GHG, Scope 1-2-3 Emission, Carbon Accounting and Reporting, Carbon Trading, CBAM

Biodiversity Nature Business Impact, Biodiversity Offsetting, Nature based Solution,

#Circular Economy, Waste Management for Circular, Process, Recycling Experts

Circular Envision & Operations Business Strategies, Policies, R-Frameworks, Governance, Tools, Metrics

Process E2E Practices Take Back, Eco-design, Re-Use, Remanufacturing, Recycle, Waste Mgmt. & Reduction

Digital Enabler Product Passport, Circular Cockpits, Marketplace

#Energy Transition, Renewable Energy Sources , Clean Technologies

Energy Transition Green Buildings & Infrastructure, Electrification of Transportation, Green Steel, Future Cities

Close Value Chain Hydrogen, Battery, Photovoltaic, Wind Turbines, Electronics, Food, Single-Use

Clean Technologies Carbon Storage, Smart Grid, Recycling

#People, Future Workplace, Social Responsibility

People Culture, Values, Diversity, Inclusion, Wording, AI Ethics, AI Sustainability

Learning , Courses, MBA, Resources, Trainings

Stakeholder Community, Consumer, Start-up, Investor

Here`s what members say

The IM Community is an absolute must-have for anyone looking to expand their knowledge in the field of circularity. The community is brimming with valuable insights and mind-full people to support one another.

Dr. Maria Fay - SAP Circular Architect ★★★★★

Being part of the IM Community has been a transformative experience. The support from fellow circular innovators have pushed me to think outside the box and explore new possibilities.

Natascha Zeljko - CIRCULAZE by CURAZE ★★★★★

Join Impact Maker Today

Good news for the first 100 members – Enjoy a free membership! Following this exclusive offer, the price goes up for new members to secure operations! First 100 members get free membership!


Community Access - Get and share tactical advise, learn from peers

Network Access - Build you network and find new opportunities

Knowledge Repository - Get exclusive access to best practices, tools, guidelines

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